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Application Form / Get your script to us.
CLICK HERE: Register an account with apply.bafta.org/entrant
Please follow these instructions to apply:
1. Go to apply.bafta.org/entrant
2. Select ‘Register’, and register a new account, or login if you have previously used BAFTA’s application portal
3. Once you have registered or logged in, go to the ‘Create Application’ tab
4. Find ‘BAFTA Rocliffe New Writing Competition – Select relevant form’
5. Select ‘Create a new application’ and this will take you to the application form
6. Check the deadline for each competition
► Ensure you find and select the correct category. We have two script call-outs in 2020 for Film and TV/Web Comedy.
► YA and Children’s Media, and TV Drama will be in 2021.
Pay (please follow the below steps to pay for your application)
► After you have submitted your application you will be taken to an ‘Application Submitted’ page
► Select ‘Preview invoice’
► You will be taken to a page showing your invoice
► Select ‘Continue to payment’
► You do not need to enter a PO Number; please leave this box blank
► Type ‘I AM SURE’ where indicated
► Proceed to payment
► If you have applied for and subsequently been offered a bursary please do not pay for your application when prompted to do so. Your bursary will be applied by BAFTA and Rocliffe representatives after you have submitted.
Once you have submitted your application you will receive a submission email. Please ensure all details on your application are correct in the PDF attached to the email. Please contact apply@bafta.org if any information is incorrect and we will do our best to accommodate changes
All entrants will receive notification status of their progress during the selection process
All entries will receive a feedback report from our readers. The aim is to help the writer to progress to their next draft. All feedback reports are sent via WeTransfer prior to the showcase event date, which allows you to download the reports over a seven-day period